Photo Album Part Four
Set and Costume shots

rose petals on the street
Front curtain with audience (B&W)
Full cast on set (B&W)
House of Senex first floor (B&W)
House of Senex balcony (B&W)
Stage Left Street Scene
Stage Left backdrop side view
Erronius's House
Kilroy was here
Plautus Pizza (B&W)
Stage Right Street Scene
Domina graffiti
The House of Lycus

mural detail (The "Heart" girl)
Peace graffiti (B&W)
The bench
Mask of Comedy
The chariot pre-set
Chariot right side view
Chariot right side detail
Chariot demon tongue and soldier
Miles's vanity plate
MGM Lion on the standard

The Protean Tabards
Servant Tabard--front
Servant Tabard--back
Pirate Tabard
Eunuch Tabard backstage
The "dress maker" Eunuch Tabard
Soldier Tabard--front
Soldier Tabard--back

rose petals swept up on closing night
On to backstage pictures!